Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of IB

IB examination ended last Friday for MEDIC BUSINESS students.
Everyone was happy and somewhat, i guess it was quite unbelievable.

Through out the two years, there were always times (quite a lot in fact) of complaining; when the torture will disappear and hoping for the end of it, yet when the time had come instead of feeling euphoric i was overwhelmed with sadness and frankly it was all quite fuzzy.

Never has it occurred in my mind that I was going to say this but...I think I am really going to miss KMB.

Despite of it being in the middle of ladang kelapa sawit,
despite of the small rooms which were sometimes surrounded by weird looking and flying insects and non-stop sound of crickets,
despite of the frogs, snails and ulat-ulat along the pathway to academic building,
despite of the unamusing procedures of filling the coloured forms to go out and early curfew,
despite of kena grounded kalau tak ikut procedure (even though i managed to escape one),
despite of the endless pressure and tears,

without doubt it has taught me a lot of things.
It made me think.

In my opinion, being adhered in just one place limits the way of one's thinking, bounded by the distinctive culture and perception of a particular society. Although there is a variety of types of people yet, it is hard to broaden your knowledge just by that.
Right now, i want to travel and have a taste of the world.
Even if it is just a coup d'oeil.
Meet different kinds of people, different way of perceiving things, basically just different in any kind of aspect.
I am thirsty for an adventure, for something new.

I don't know. I need to have a proper plan first though.
Being impromptu is the worst plan of all, although it will get my butt out of the house and start immediately.

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